0.8.9 released

Anything else to do with MoM IME
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0.8.9 released

Post by Implode »

There'd been an intermittent problem with combats crashing - I finally found out what was causing this on Sunday, and its taken me a few days to fix, but now its all done and so v0.8.9 is up on the Downloads page :)

There's a couple of known issues with this, especially with using the French XML language file, so do look at the list of known bugs on the to do list. Since I hate putting out versions where I know there's ways you can make it crash, I may get these fixed and release these as an interim before I start work on the big changes for 0.9.0, I haven't quite decided on that yet. But there'd already been 4 months between 0.8.8 and 0.8.9, so I didn't want to delay it any longer while I got these things fixed.

Enjoy :)

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Contact: font update

Post by Implode »

Well this is the quickest patch I've ever done :) I've made a patch here which patches 0.8.9 to fix the last 3 fonts which didn't previously include accented characters. So I'll call this version I'm not going to make a proper installer for it.

You don't really need this if you're using the English language XML file (although I have *once* had even the English file crash in the spell book because it tried to display a 1/2 symbol in the garbled text for the spells you don't yet know). But if you're using Aggelon's French language XML file, casting unit enchantments overland and the last spell book page will almost certainly crash without this.

Unzip the zip file and copy the two files inside over their versions installed with 0.8.9. There's no other changes.
