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Bug in Building List

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:26 pm
by MightyGrunt
I don't know if it was already reported, but it seems that I stumbled upon a bug that prevents me from building a sawmill. I've played with both humans and trolls, and as I recall, these two races actually can construct that building. I could be wrong...

Re: Bug in Building List

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:44 pm
by ikanreed
MightyGrunt wrote:I don't know if it was already reported, but it seems that I stumbled upon a bug that prevents me from building a sawmill. I've played with both humans and trolls, and as I recall, these two races actually can construct that building. I could be wrong...
Sawmills require that the city be within 2 squares of woods. That may have been your problem

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:16 pm
by Lupinedreams
Yes, a number of production enhancing facilities are dependant on the terrain around your city. I believe the first industry upgrade building, mining, requires you to have mountains nearby. To go up the naval tech tree you need to be near water - and there is a reason for doing this besides building boats if you're a decent tech race, you can eventually get a merchant's guild.

So yes, location really IS the most important part of real estate :)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:09 pm
by MightyGrunt
I might have been unlucky then... Guess it makes sense to actually not be able to build a Miner's Guild without any mountains or build a lumber mill without any tree to work it. :lol: