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- Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:09 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.5 / Java client
- Replies: 13
- Views: 51237
Re: 0.9.5 / Java client released on Sourceforge - major things added back in are that the Next Turn button is blocked if you have outstanding actions you have to take care of (picking a spell to research, targetting a spell, negative production), Apprentice and Wizard advisors. Also fixed wizard city size bug menti...
- Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:34 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.5 / Java client
- Replies: 13
- Views: 51237
Re: 0.9.5 / Java client
FYI found bug in where wizards' starting cities are the wrong size. Will fix in next version, so maybe I'll release quite quickly to get that fix out there.
- Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:25 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.5 / Java client
- Replies: 13
- Views: 51237
Re: 0.9.5 / Java client released on Sourceforge - major things added back in are custom new game options, custom wizards, and the ability to join multiplayer games.
- Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:54 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.5 / Java client
- Replies: 13
- Views: 51237
Re: 0.9.5 / Java client
Everything's useful, thank you for leaving comments :) I know about the map not recentering, that's on the to do list. I skipped it because it was buggy in the Delphi client (sometimes it'd really insistently drag you to centre on the current unit while you were using the mouse to try to scroll in t...
- Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:53 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.5 / Java client
- Replies: 13
- Views: 51237
Re: 0.9.5 / Java client
Just uploaded on Sourceforge : Please look at the readme file there, or when you extract the .zip, if you need some quick notes on how to get a game started. Note there's several features that were in 0.9.4 that aren't in the 0.9.5.x Java client yet, m...
- Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:48 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.5 / Java client
- Replies: 13
- Views: 51237
Re: 0.9.5 / Java client
Almost there! Have some tidying up to do with casting unit enchantments, animations from unit enchantments, manual control of units in combat (right now you can only click Auto), and casting spells in combat, but still, getting real close to having something good enough to release. I went back to ch...
- Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:22 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Registration Anti-Spam
- Replies: 1
- Views: 21916
Re: Registration Anti-Spam
Thanks... I was away last week on holiday and came back to 100s of bot registrations and 1000s of spam posts everywhere, and took me hours to clean it all up again. I disabled new registrations because new junk was appearing faster than I could clean it off, so thanks for getting it sorted out :)
- Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:05 pm
- Forum: Game logic
- Topic: Removing concept of scouting nodes/lairs/towers
- Replies: 5
- Views: 60115
Removing concept of scouting nodes/lairs/towers
I'm now starting to look at writing combat in v0.9.5, its the last big thing I have left to do. The first part to that is the scouting screen, where it pops up saying "You have found a Chaos Node, scouts report seeing a Great Drake, do you want to continue?". So I've been looking in detail...
- Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:00 am
- Forum: Game logic
- Topic: Rules around unit statuses + player's memory of units
- Replies: 2
- Views: 20067
Re: Rules around unit statuses + player's memory of units
Simon, keep the 'true' sheet on the server and include the visibility of a unit as a status effect in relation to a player? That's (as far as I can tell) how the original MoM works with units, and how MoM IME works if you set the fog of war to "Forget". So if you see something with a scout...
- Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:22 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.5 / Java client
- Replies: 13
- Views: 51237
0.9.5 / Java client
So I've been wanting to post a screenshot to show how the Java client is looking, so here's a link :) The Delphi client was a Direct 3D app all in one window. While there's other windows that appear inside it (like the unit view, city view, magic screen and so on), that only worked because of the am...
- Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:35 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Worlds of Magic
- Replies: 3
- Views: 26809
Re: Worlds of Magic
Wow, that's great that you're involved in Worlds of Magic, I remember you from helping start a Polish translation of MoM IME too, I use that as my reference for testing all the translations because its more thorough than either of the others. I went to great lengths when I started the Java client in...
- Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:36 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Worlds of Magic
- Replies: 3
- Views: 26809
Worlds of Magic
So, I'm wondering if anybody even comes to this forum anymore, and if so what people think of Worlds of Magic? I was obviously initially excited to hear someone was attempting a complete MoM rewrite in a full 3D environment and been keeping an eye on it but honestly... it isn't inspiring me much. Ma...
- Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:40 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.4 released
- Replies: 8
- Views: 38389
Re: 0.9.4 released
Thanks, nice to know people are still alive out there. It doesn't help that I had to disable new registrations on the forum again because otherwise I'm spending 30 mins a day just delete crap spam posts, but that's bad because then anybody new and genuinely interested in the project can't join the f...
- Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:27 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.4 released
- Replies: 8
- Views: 38389
Re: 0.9.4 released
Found minor bug: If you pick Sss'ra as wizard or pick custom and choose the Myrran retort, it won't let you pick a Myrran race. I'm not going to bother doing a new build just to fix that but if someone else finds something major (i.e. that crashes the game or makes it unplayable) then I'll fix this ...
- Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:22 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.4 released
- Replies: 8
- Views: 38389
Re: 0.9.4 released
Released on SourceForge, can now cast spells in combat. This used to work in 0.9.3 and in doing the Java conversion of the server it got put in the "complicated, do that later" pile and then... forgotten about. So thanks for finding it and letting me know. Enchantments (like prayer...