Search found 433 matches
- Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:55 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.4 released
- Replies: 8
- Views: 38366
Re: 0.9.4 released
Yeah "UnsupportedOperationException" like that is what I put in place for code that just isn't written yet, although, I wonder if it existed in the Delphi server and was something I missed out in the conversion... will look into, thanks for posting it. I admit I kind of rushed the last 2 w...
- Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:47 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: 0.9.4 released
- Replies: 8
- Views: 38366
0.9.4 released
If anybody is still alive here, 0.9.4 can now be downloaded from Sourceforge :) I realise this has been a very, very long time since I last released an update, especially considering on the outside it isn't terriblly different from 0.9.3. The only major new feature is that you can now set the Units ...
- Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:35 pm
- Forum: Game logic
- Topic: Rules around unit statuses + player's memory of units
- Replies: 2
- Views: 20059
Rules around unit statuses + player's memory of units
Firstly thought would be useful to make a new subforum for talking about how some of the game rules work. Am trying to keep the info here as rules that will make sense to anyone familiar with the game, without necessarily having any technical coding knowledge. Now one complication I've got right now...
- Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:04 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
Been busy trying to tidy all the loose ends up. Redone a lot of the multiplayer layer, finished implementing all the messages that weren't previously done (like naming heroes, cancelling movement). Done the installer (mostly.. one key issue left). Was basically trying to get everything finished unti...
- Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:06 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
Perhaps I fell in the trap again... whereby Mana doesn't get produced "directly" - you produce Magic Power and then allocate a % to skill improvement, mana + research. The "Sell something in insufficient producton" routine wasn't taking that into account and so always assumed man...
- Thu May 09, 2013 1:41 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
meh, still something goofy going on with production calcs. I summon a magic spirit, then as soon as I cast another spell, I get "unit dispelled due to lack of production", because casting the spell is dropping my MP to 0 then I have nothing left to pay for the magic spirit. Not supposed to...
- Wed May 08, 2013 11:37 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
Got far enough in the last few days that for the first time the Java server actually gets far enough that I can basically play it, run units around the map and so on (as long as I don't start any combats, which aren't done yet). Keep running into bugs and stuff that isn't implemented yet, so just go...
- Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:08 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
Still alive yes :P Just my time I can spend on this varies from zero to fair amounts at different times depending on work, family and whatever else I'm involved in. Short update: (In order to pick something to do next other than combat which I'm avoiding cos its nasty :P ) Been trying to get spells ...
- Wed May 02, 2012 5:37 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Source code issue
- Replies: 6
- Views: 31432
Re: Source code issue
In what way? I'm continually working on the Java code whenever I get time.. just right now work/etc isn't giving me much free time, so paused again for the minute. But plan to, yes of course.
- Wed May 02, 2012 10:22 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Source code issue
- Replies: 6
- Views: 31432
Re: Source code issue
Done, look in /p/momime/code/Delphi/GameComponents/trunk
- Wed May 02, 2012 10:09 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Source code issue
- Replies: 6
- Views: 31432
Re: Source code issue
Ah ok, to be honest I never expected anyone to attempt to compile the Delphi source, I more only had it checked in as a reference for the Java port. So yes I'm aware there's a couple of things missing. I'll try to get these checked in. I had about 6 weeks where I had a lot of time to work on MoM IME...
- Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:54 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: This is what happens when you interpret things too literally
- Replies: 0
- Views: 39462
This is what happens when you interpret things too literally
So I was writing all the code in the Java port around the movement rate rules and deciding where units are allowed to move to. I'm writing thorough unit tests everwhere possible, so put in some tests for the movement rules and tried to come up with some obscure scenarios. Path Finding says this: &qu...
- Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:39 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
Eh that's all really weird, works fine for me, what are the 6 test errors you get? There isn't even much in NdgUtils to go wrong...
- Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:56 am
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
I did a subclipse checkout into a fresh workspace (first checkout I did with Tortoise). I didn't get the maven/pom/.projects - Problems :-) I always: 1) Check out with TortoiseSVN 2) Build on maven command line 3) Fire up Eclipse 4) Do "new Java project" 5) Point it at the right folder an...
- Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:49 pm
- Forum: General - MoM IME
- Topic: Still alive :)
- Replies: 70
- Views: 293977
Re: Still alive :)
Fixing the XML editor to not need the date control and NdgJavaUtils is done... and was a real headache trying to decide how best to organize stuff. Basically I split my old NdgJavaUtils library into three, and made a NdgUtils (just had to make the maven artefact a different name :P) containing thing...