French language file

Discussions about creating additional language XML files to translate the MoM IME client into other languages
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Post by Implode »

aggelon wrote:Do you start from RC1 of 0.8.9 french language file for the 0.9.0 ?

Sorry its taken me a few days to reply, I've been real busy lately with real life stuff :? and experimenting with the first stages of porting the editors into Java...

Anyway, the French language file I included with 0.9.0 was your RC1, with two minor changes:
  • Tower of Wizardry (MF12) is now 2 entries (MF12A and MF12B) for whether it has been cleared or not (the text is identical - I had to split it into two separate codes in order to read all the map features entirely from the XML files)
    The old frmMiniCity entry that said "Vous avez jeté CITY_SPELL_EFFECT_NAME" is now split in two under SpellCasting; one says the same (Vous), one specifies a PLAYER_NAME.
The bigger question is... what new entries from 0.9.0 are still missing from it. If (using the 0.9.0 server file, editor, etc.) you open up the French XML file and on the File menu pick "Verify that all necessary entries are in the Language XML file", it'll give you a list... but the list runs well over a page so you can't read it. But if you pick the option, it will at least add in blank entries for you which helps.

So I'll try to list it all here:
  • Population tasks are now split into singular & plural, so re-edit each of these (there's only 3!)
    Language Categories -> frmMainMenu -> new entry LanguageFileAuthor, put something here to credit yourself like 'French language file written by Aggelon'
    Language Categories -> frmOptions -> there are a number of new entries for the debug options (check the English XML file)
    And there are 3 new Language Categories: StartGameProgress, CityGrowthRate and CityProduction, with a bunch of new entries under each.
CityGrowthRate and CityProduction have a lot of complicated stuff in them - I suggest you copy these whole sections out from the English XML file (using another editor, Notepad, PFE, etc.) so you can see what you need to translate. If you need a hand with this, let me know.

Also if you'd made further changes since your RC1 you posted, just send me the file, I'll be able to merge the two sets of changes quite easily.

All the best :)

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Post by aggelon »

OK That's should be GREAT !!!

This my own RC2 for 0.8.9 : ...

A lot of re-reading for me ^_^

I'm waiting for your new merge, and going to translate the 0.9.0.

See u,
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Post by Implode »


Here's your RC2 file, with the 0.9.0 entries added to it (in English): here.

I split the population tasks (farmer/worker/rebel) into singular & plural so check these. I also added all the missing Language Category entries, under frmOptions and the 3 new entries CityGrowthRate, CityProduction and StartGameProgress.

As I said, the CityGrowthRate and CityProduction are a bit confusing so if you need a bit of help, let me know :)

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Post by aggelon »

Great!, thanks a lot : I'm going to translate it.

I'm going to take care of it.

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Post by aggelon »

OK : done.

=> the last debug option seems to be picked up from the english XML file (see )

=> this is my first release for 0.9.0 ...

To be continued for improvements...

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Post by Implode »

aggelon wrote:the last debug option seems to be picked up from the english XML file
Actually its not picking it up from anywhere, its just using what's compiled into the EXE... which is of course the same as the English XML file :) But thanks for spotting it, I've made a note of it and will fix it in the next version.

Thanks as always for your work on this :)

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RC2 for 0.9.0

Post by aggelon »

[Texte en français plus bas]

Hello world,

This is the Release Candidate #2 for MoM IME v0.9.0... before migration to v0.9.1

File can be downloaded at ... and unzipped within the directory C:\Program Files\Master of Magic - Implode's Multiplayer Edition\Client\Languages and then, when launching client, Select Language -> Française

Have fun playing,


Salut à tous,

La seconde version de la traduction française de MoM IME est disponible à ... et peut être décompressée dans le répertoire C:\Program Files\Master of Magic - Implode's Multiplayer Edition\Client\Languages

Ensuite, après avoir lancé le client, cliquez sur Select Language, puis Française.

Bon jeu à tous,
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0.9.1 French File (RC1)

Post by aggelon »

The RC1 is available at ...

Version francaise, première corrections de la v0.9.1 disponible à ...

A++ :)
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0.9.2 translated

Post by aggelon »

release 0.9.2 is translated without needing add-on

No "release candidate" at this time.

Suggests are welcome.

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French file for 0.9.3

Post by Implode »

Aggelon sent me the French file for 0.9.3 a week or so ago but its taken me a while to get around to looking at it, been really busy on 0.9.4!

But anyway I had a quick look, there's a few bits of text which overflow the space they have available on the screen which I'll try to fix in a later version. Besides this it should all work fine.

So download the file here and unzip it into your MoM IME installation folder, over the top of the Français.Master of Magic Language.xml that's installed with 0.9.3.

Big thanks to Aggelon for putting all the work into this translation again :)

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Post by aggelon »

It's my pleasure :D

... but I still don't know if there are some french players...

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Post by Iluvalar »

aggelon wrote:It's my pleasure :D

... but I still don't know if there are some french players...

J'ai tenté, mais je suis beaucoup trop habitué avec le vieux jeu anglais. Ceci n'enlève rien à ta traduction qui parait très bien, mais je suis trop désorienté ^^.

I've tried but I am too used of the old english game. It don't remove anything to your translation that look pretty good but I am too confused.
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Re: French language file

Post by aggelon »

He-he :D je comprends.

Pour ma part, j'ai découvert le jeu à sa sortie en 1995 et j'ai été très frustré par l'anglais, car il y a beaucoup de point du jeu qui m'échappaient... puis j'ai pu acquérir la version française et là ! je me suis éclaté... je ne l'ai vraiment pas regretté.

L'essentiel de ma traduction de MoM-IME est issue de la traduction française officielle de MoM original.

Ca n'en demeure pas moins un excellent jeu, qu'il soit en français ou en anglais :D

Bon jeu à toi,
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