Data formats of various LBX files

Details about file formats, structure and contents in the original Master of Magic
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Data formats of various LBX files

Post by Implode »

Originally got this from a post on Murlock's forum a number of years ago.

Builddat.lbx file info
George McGinn ( 12/15/99

This file handles building info, pretty much everything but the descriptions (which are in Builddesc.lbx).
Records start at hex 224(the NONE building), and continue until 940 (the city wall).
Each are 52 bytes long.

Start Byte,End Byte -> Field Description
(LO in the description means it's saved with the low order byte first)
1,19 -> Building name
20 -> 00 byte
21,22 -> first building which is required for this one to be built LO
(match the building to the Building index below)
23,24 -> same as above LO
25,26 -> building (if any) this replaces LO
27,28 -> does building confer Regular XP to units
29,30 -> does building confer Veteran XP to units
31,32 -> does building confer magic weapons to units
33,34 -> the Upkeep cost LO
35,36 -> the food and pop bonus
37,38 -> 00 00
39,40 -> Unknown
41,42 -> Mana produced
43,44 -> Unknown
45,46 -> build cost LO
47,48 -> 00 00
49,50 -> Unknown
51,52 -> Unknown

Buildings in order:
002-Trade Goods
006-Fighters Guild
007-Armorers Guild
008-War College
011-Animists Guild
012-Fantastic Stable
013-Ship Wrights Guild
014-Ship Yard
015-Maritime Guild
018-Sages Guild
020-Alchemists Guild
022-Wizards Guild
029-Merchants Guild
031-Farmers Market
032-Foresters Guild
033-Builders Hall
034-Mechanicians Guild
035-Miners Guild
036-City Walls

Building Index
(mainly ripped from Ken M Dale's works...)
Dec_Value Description
-1 None
0 None
3 Barracks
4 Armory
5 Fighters Guild
6 Armorers Guild
7 War College
8 Smithy
9 Stables
10 Animists Guild
11 Fantastic Stable
12 Shipwrights Guild
13 Ship Yard
14 Maritime Guild
15 Sawmill
16 Library
17 Sages Guild
18 Oracle
19 Alchemists Guild
20 University
21 Wizards Guild
22 Shrine
23 Temple
24 Parthenon
25 Cathedral
26 Marketplace
27 Bank
28 Merchants Guild
29 Granary
30 Farmers Market
31 Foresters Guild
32 Builders Hall
33 Mechanicians Guild
34 Miners Guild
35 City Walls
101 Forest Terrain
110 Water Terrain
200 Mineral Terrain Specials

Buildesc.lbx info
George McGinn ( 12/15/99

This file contains all the descriptions for the buildings as displayed in the city window when building them.
Each record consists of a 200 byte long string, padded with 00 bytes until achieving the proper length.
They are in the same order as the Builddat.lbx file. Records start at 224, and end at 1D7C.

Start Byte,End Byte -> Field Description
1,199 -> Building Description
200 -> 00 (to terminate string)

Eventsmsg.lbx file info
George McGinn ( 12/15/99

This file contains the descriptions for the random events that happen in the game.
Records start at hex 224, and consist of a single 600 byte string, though only the first ~200 are used.
The string contains certain hex values to represent variables in the message such as town name, relic name, amount of gold stolen, etc.

Start Byte,End Byte -> Field Description
1,599 -> Event Description
600 -> 00 to terminate string

Hex values and their meaning:
80 - city name
81 - neutral city
83 - gold amount
89 - mine type
8A - relic name
8B - town size (hamlet,village,capital)
8C - enemy wizard event happened to
8F - # of units killed
90 - # of people killed
91 - # of buildings wrecked
93 - an 's' if units killed > 1
94 - an 's' if buildings destroyed > 1

Names.lbx info
George McGinn ( 1999/12/15

This value controls the possible first names a hero can be assigned.
The last names are in the wizards.exe file.
(ie "Brax" is a possible first name, and "Dwarf" is always the last name for the mountaineering munchkin).
Each record consists of a 13 byte string, and the first record starts at 224.

Start Byte,End Byte -> Field Description
1,12 -> Hero name
13 -> 00 byte to terminate string

itempow.lbx file info
George McGinn ( 1999/12/15

This file specifies what artifact specials powers are, costs are,
creation requirements and which items it can be enchanted on.
You can now restore the Merging special, which was taken out of the game by requiring 22 spell book in Nature!
Each record is 30 bytes long, data starts at hex 224, and there are 66 specials.

Start Byte(Bit),End Byte(Bit) -> Field Description
(LO in the description means it's saved with the low order byte first)
1,17 -> Artifact special name
18 -> 00
19(1) -> Can be enchanted on a shield
19(2) -> Can be enchanted on Misc items
19(3) -> Can be enchanted on a Wand
19(4) -> Can be enchanted on a Staff
19(5) -> Can be enchanted on a Bow
19(6) -> Can be enchanted on a Axe
19(7) -> Can be enchanted on a Mace
19( -> Can be enchanted on a Sword
20(1),20(6) - > Unused
20(7) -> Can be enchanted on Plate armor
20( -> Can be enchanted on Chain armor
21,22 -> Mana cost to enchant LO
23,24 -> Power Type LO (uses power Type table below)
25,26 -> Required Spell Books LO (if a Stat special, it's the Stat bonus)
The rest give the special named if the bit is on:
27(1) -> Path Finding
27(2) -> Regeneration
27(3) -> Wraithform
27(4) -> Destruction
27(5) -> Cloak_of_Fear
27(6) -> Lightning
27(7) -> Guardian_Wind
27( -> Vampiric
28(1) -> Invisibility
28(2) -> Haste
28(3) -> Edurance_1
28(4) -> Stoning
28(5) -> Chaos
28(6) -> Elemental_Armor
28(7) -> Resist_Elements
28( -> Water_Walking
29(1) -> Phantasmal
29(2) -> True_Sight
29(3) -> Holy_Avenger
29(4) -> Flaming
29(5) -> Magic_Immunity
29(6) -> Resist_Magic
29(7) -> Flight
29( -> Death
30(1) -> Invulnerability
30(2) -> Righteousness
30(3) -> Merging
30(4) -> Planar_Travel
30(5) -> Giant_Strength
30(6) -> Lion_Heart
30(7) -> Bless
30( -> Power_Drain

Power Type:
These values describe what type of special it is.
Value Description
0 + to Attack Stat Bonus
1 + to Hit Stat Bonus
2 + to Defend Stat Bonus
3 + to Spell Skill Stat Bonus
4 - to Spell Save Stat Bonus
5 + to Movement Stat Bonus
6 + to Resistance Stat Bonus
7 Nature Specials
9 Nature Specials
264 Sorcery Specials
265 Sorcery Specials
521 Chaos Specials
777 Life Specials
1033 Death Specials

Message.lbx file info
George McGinn ( 1999/12/15

This file contains a bunch of the misc messages you get in MoM.
Probably no real reason to edit these, but if you think of one, email me!
Record consists of a 150 byte string, and they start at hex 224.

Start Byte,End Byte -> Field Description
1,149 -> Message text
150 -> 00

Desc.lbx file info
George McGinn ( 1999/12/15

This file allows changing the spell descriptions in the spell book.
Each record consists of a 110 byte string, and starts at hex 292.
Note that Help.lbx stores the values you see when right clicking on a spell.

Start Byte,End Byte -> Field Description
1,109 -> Spell Description
110 -> 00

MOM 1.31 data in SPELLDAT.LBX
Kenneth M. Dale 2/9/99

The spell definitions begin at byte 248h, and each is 24h bytes long.

Spell definition byte descriptions

0-12 Name of the spell, terminated by a 00 byte
13 ???
14 00
15 ???
16 Section in spell book (table 1)
17 Magic realm (table 2)
18 Casting eligibility (table 3)
19 00
1A,1B Casting cost (combat cost if less than overland)
1C,1D Research cost
1E Sound effect when casting spell
1F 00
20 Summoning spells: unit summoned (note 1) Others: flags?
21 Flags?
22 Flags?
23 Flags?

Table 1: Section in spell book

00 Special Spells 03 City Spells
01 Summoning 04 Unit Spells
02 Enchantment 05 Combat Spells

Table 2: Magic realm

00 Nature 03 Life
01 Sorcery 04 Death
02 Chaos 05 Arcane

Table 3: Casting eligibility

FE Combat only
FF Combat only
00 Combat or overland, overland cost 5x combat cost
01 Overland only
02 Combat or overland, overland cost 5x combat cost
03 Combat or overland, overland cost 5x combat cost, friendly city only
04 Combat or overland, overland cost same as combat cost
05 Overland only, only while banished

Note 1: The unit codes start at 9A for a Magic Spirit, and are in the same
order as the units appear in the unit tables in WIZARDS.EXE. The
units not listed in SPELLDAT.LBX are Demon (A9) and Zombies (AE).

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Re: Data formats of various LBX files

Post by Asfex »

terrstat.lbx file info
offs +244 (length11da): terrain moves info (6bytes)
used as (terrtype)*6 . terrtype is same as in the savegame offset+021D0
if it more than 2f9 (for myrran)then it uses (terrtype-2fa).
+0 unused
+1 "footwalk" -normal mode
+2 forester
+3 mountainwalk
+4 swimming
+5 sailing
costs to cross this terrain type in 1/2mp. ff - for "cannot move into it"
0ffs: +1454 length c6:
unrest level per race for the wizard race ,length 0Dh
used as (Wizard race* 0Bh)+ City race =unrest lvl.
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