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Looking forward to it very much

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:29 am
by zfunk007
Hey-ya Implode. I remember I ran into your project a few years ago when it was just getting started. I checked back a few days, and boy, what progress you've made! My brother and I are just dying to play multiplayer!

It looks like you've done some great work so far, so... Just out of curiosity... are there any estimates as to the completion date?? :-) Anyway, keep up the good work.

Re: Looking forward to it very much

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:01 pm
by Implode
zfunk007 wrote:Just out of curiosity... are there any estimates as to the completion date?? :-) Anyway, keep up the good work.
It'll never be finished! :) There'll always be something extra to add to improve it :)

Currently I'm guessing:
0.8.8 will be out in mid-June = Heroes, City and Unit enchantments
0.8.9 probably around late August = mostly preparation work for 0.9.0
0.9.0 will be a big update, I'm expecting around late October, adding in fog of war and overland movement and combats for one-at-a-time games, i.e. it will be the first properly playable version where you can attack each others cities and have a proper game :) Unknown to what extent I'll have the AI players working by then. There will be very few (probably zero, other than summoning) spells working.

After that I'll probably concentrate on the AI and getting spells working, but no real timescales in mind. I try to always aim for releasing a new version every 6-8 weeks.
